The Marketing Myth of Triple Scented Candles
So what does it mean to have a triple scented candle?
Like most things, the products on offer for candlemakers have come a long way in the last 15-20 years. Paraffin wax was the most readily available wax a while ago and the maximum "fragrance loading" (this is the percentage of fragrance in a candle) was about 3%. Since then, more waxes have come onto the market with better abilities to take on fragrance and give great fragrance.
Each type of wax has a maximum amount of fragrance that can be added before it reaches saturation point and is unable to hold any more fragrance. If you add more fragrance past a waxes saturation point, it will be detrimental to the candle's burning experience. A soy wax candle that is at full saturation would have around 8-12% fragrance. With this in mind, a company claiming to be "triple scented" would have to add 24-36% fragrance, which in turn would make the candle un-burnable and highly flammable.
So - triple scented candles nowadays are considered "triple the fragrance" when compared to paraffin candles which were on the scene some 15-20 years ago and could only hold 3% of fragrance in the candle.
A quality soy candle only needs four things....
1. Quality wax
2. Quality fragrance
3. Quality wick
4. Research (trial and error) by the candle maker - each fragrance oil varies and it takes a long time of testing to come up with the best % of fragrance to be added to wax for the best hot and cold scent throw.
Is triple scented misleading or a clever marketing technique? You decide!
But you can always trust Essence's candles to be "fully scented" soy wax; a perfect burning candle with a great scent throw.